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Clapham South Side


Embark on a journey of sophistication as you step into our latest project, located in the popular Clapham South Side, where grandeur meets functionality in a spacious hallway that sets the tone for luxury living. Welcomed by French doors and fixed frames, the entrance to the kitchen space is nothing short of breathtaking. The double doors boast a classic lock plate design, elegantly elongated to complement the towering 2.8-meter space height. The sizes have been cleverly offset to maximise the opening, with smaller fixed frames flanking the double doors, ensuring a seamless transition between the hallway and kitchen.


As you venture further, you’ll discover a bespoke beverage area designed to indulge the senses. To the left awaits a meticulously detailed drinks room, its entrance guarded by a hinged door adorned with the same exquisite lock plate design. Featuring smoked serial glass and illuminated by LED lighting, the room exudes a captivating “speakeasy” ambience, inviting you to unwind in style.


Each element of this project has been tailored to meet the unique design needs of our discerning customers, resulting in two bespoke creations that redefine luxury living. Experience elegance and functionality with our grand entrance and bespoke beverage area, where every detail is perfectly crafted.


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